New Season Trends《The Amber》

Amber is one of the most versatile shades for interior design

Amber - a soft yellowy-orange or better known as the middle colour on traffic lights. A perfect match for metallic surfaces or more natural materials such as timber, amber is also soft enough to work with many colour schemes including pastels or stronger shades such as navy blue or even black. Its gold tones mean amber homewares can substitute for copper, brass or other metallic accents in a room.

2019 春夏家居裝飾趨勢 | Amber 琥珀金黃色《絕對是 Must Have Item》

Amber // 一種柔軟的金黃色,與近年甚為經典的黃銅非常匹配,或者與天然物料,如木材,琥珀黃色都能輕易配合。在陽光底下更顯璀璨,閃爍奪目。是時候為新一季作好預備吧

Balloon Vase 01, Jewel Vase Giant, Mirror Flip

Balloon Vase 01, Jewel Vase Giant, Mirror Flip

Troll Vase, Plinth Podium, low

Quadro Mirror, Torus Vase, Solum Side Table

Torus Vase

Globe Vase, Torus Vase, Tota Lantern

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